Last week was eventful because 2 of my colleagues returned to India after a short stay for one and a long stay for another. A couple of farewell parties including an impromptu dinner at our place as well. We managed to do masala vada and pasta. There was one guy by the name of Ashwini (yes a guy) I need to talk about. He is an absolute vegetarian to the core who cannot even consider cakes if they are made with eggs. He eats Indian and Indian food only. One of my achievements in the last 6 months is to have him try "other" cuisines such as salad and Subway. Every time he is in the mood for a salad or Subway I am his official "orderer". At Subway he used to rely on me to order the right bread, veggies and sauce that will suit his taste buds. Oh well, he was an interesting person.
Am currently on a book which talks about how the union system is affecting the productivity in Australia. Here for any job done by 1 person anywhere else in the world, it would take 2 Aussies to do the same.One of the unique things about Aussie police is that they always roam around in groups of 4. Not just police, in Melbourne even the suburban train ticket inspectors move around in groups of 4. I can understand having a backup, but 3 backups? Probably the police unions decided that no policeman should wander in the dark (or bright daylight) on his/her own. I kind of see this in many places. Looks like it is an union thing.
Oki doki...a short one for last week. Seem to be forgetting the stories a bit. Hmm...short term memory retainment. ;-(
Have a great week.
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