Saturday, 3 September 2011

Principle Centered Leadership - A Book Review

I believe there is a trilogy of leadership books from the Covey family. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Speed of Trust and Principle Centered Leadership - each citing excerpts from the other with 7 Habits being the core. Of course there are other books from them which again must be derived from these 3.

Principle Centered Leadership is more of a collection of essays written by a few people. As in any book there are a few sections that I just skimmed through, but there were a few which stands out as something each person who has been or intending to be responsible for 1 or more person other than themselves. Have noted below a few sections which I found to be the most interesting.

Characteristics of Principle Centered Leaders
  1. Continually learning.
  2. Service Oriented
  3. Radiate Positive Energy
  4. Believe in Other People
  5. Lead Balanced Lives
  6. See Life as an Adventure
  7. Synergistic
  8. Exercise Self-Renewal
Am sure there will be one or more areas that we would want to improve on the above.

A principle - "Possessing precedes giving". A simple thought...but at times we tend to forget. We try to give without even possessing and get into trouble. :-)

"There are times to teach and train and times not to teach. When relationships are strained and charged with emotion, attempts to teach or train are often perceived as a form of judgement and rejection. "

Three Types of Power
  • Coercive Power - Power created by fear utilizing power, authority etc.
  • Utility Power - Power created by a particular utility / purpose (because of the benefits that could be derived from the leader)
  • Legitimate Power - Knowledgeable, Wholehearted, Uninhibited Commitment. He clearly distinguishes that this is not blind faith, mindless obedience or robotic servitude. "Whatever they (leaders) did they did because they believed in us, and we reciprocate with respect, loyalty, commitment, and a willingness to follow, almost without condition or restriction.
"You only have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - he's free again.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn"
Power Tools
  • Persuasion
  • Patience
  • Gentleness
  • Teachableness - Operating with the assumption that you do not have all the answers, all the insights and valuing different viewpoints, judgement and experiences followers may have.
  • Acceptance - withholding judgement
  • Kindness
  • Openness
  • Compassionate Confrontation
  • Consistency
  • Integrity
Three Big Mistakes
  1. Advise before understand
  2. Attempt to build/rebuild relationships without changing conduct or attitude.
  3. Assume that good example and relationship are sufficient
"Just as vision without love contains no motivation, so also love without vision contains no goals, no guidelines, no standards, (and hence) no lifting power ."

Approach to Problem Solving
  1. Where are we?
  2. Where do we want to go?
  3. How do we get there?
  4. How will we know we have arrived?
I wonder how many times we have asked ourselves these questions!!!

Manager's Attitude - "Where are we going?" or "Where do you want to go?" or "What are your goals?"
 - "and how can I help you?"

Principles of Win-Win Performance (KRA time!!!)
  • Specify desired results, but don't supervise methods and means.
  • Go heavy on guidelines, light on procedures
  • Mention all available resources (within the organization and outside networks)
  • Involve people in setting the standards or criteria of acceptable and exceptional performance
  • Maintain trust and use discernment, more than so-called objective or quantitative measurements to assess results.
  • Reach an understanding of what positive and negative consequences might follow achieving or failing to achieve desired results.
  • Make sure the performance agreement is reinforced by organizational structure and systems to stand the test of time.
"Leadership deals with direction - with making sure that the ladder is leaning against the right wall. Management deals with speed. To double one's speed in the wrong direction, however is the very definition of foolishness."

Happy Leading!!


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