Not sure if it is the onset of the Olympics in London, but it was sports and sports everywhere.
It began with Nandhitha's "Olympathon" at school - what we were used to call as "Annual Sports Day". The Darcy Road Public had their Annual Olympathon last week. It began with a march past of the kids broken into different teams each carrying a country flag. As a truly multinational community they represented a flag from each country from where a student came from. The "Olympic torch" was relayed by the respective house captains (6th graders). It was a nice "torch" made with flaring coloured paper. As soon as they came and "lit" the pyre, someone quickly placed glowing fire (paper) on the pyre.
What happened afterwards was a bit chaotic. They had like a carnival of games that each team had to participate. It took us about 20 minutes to figure out where Nandhitha belonged. The parents cheered their wards for a while and later on ended up just chatting up with friends. Could've been a bit more organized...but I guess there's only so much one can do with primary schoolers? (Maybe I am wrong!!)
The Olympathon did take me into a nostalgic trip. Have some vague memories of sports days at Fatima (or should I say St. Josephs!!) participating in some sack race and cart wheel races. Of course as years progressed, the interest/intent for attending sports days at St Josephs changed. ;-) Sports days at Holy Cross was always an event to look forward to. I've always wanted to avoid being part of the march past drill. Oh well... :-)
Later over the weekend Uma and I partipated in the Badminton Mixed Doubles event. I did extreme practicing - TWICE for this event!! While the event was conducted very professionally with live score updates on Facebook (follow them at Sydney Supersonics SSCI), I participated in the "true" spirit of sportsmanship - to socialize and have fun!! So, while we lost 9-21 in the first round, we did have good fun. The kids had a great time at the play area next to the hall.
Have a great week!!