Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Sydney Stories - Week 30


I should say that I am getting some pressure now to get week 30 out of the way. Am missing my SLAs consistently by a day. :-(

There is a non-stop radio station in Raaga - http://www.raaga.com/live/. I wonder what their logic is to mix up the songs. They have not failed to impress me so far. It has been the latest kitchen music for quite a few weeks now. Who care's for MP3 and iPod when there's such good non-stop music on the net!!

Using swear words seem like a norm here. This is a stark difference compared to folks out in the US of A. Over there, just in case someone uttered the "non-utterable" they will apologize for it big time. Here they simply don't seem to care...at least most of them. There seems to be so much of stress built up here in spite of having the "work life balance". You just throw in a small bit of a surprise element and you had it. 

Weekend was hectic as usual in spite of visiting a cousin's house for lunch. Beginning to hate public transport more and more over the weekends. All our plans went for a toss simply waiting for buses. An activity that should've taken 1 hour  took almost 3 hours to complete just because of waiting for public transport. As such time has a different premium on weekends. Don't feel this pinch during weekdays while I go to work probably because the frequency is not bad enough. 

That's all folks!!

Have A Great Week Ahead!!


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