Sunday, 14 August 2011

Presentation Tips

It has been a terrific few weeks preparing for the presentation with the grand finale being the last few days in US. It was an interesting experience the last month or so working on this presentation. There were a few lessons learned during this time, that I thought might be of some help - probably just to myself. :-)

1) Begin with a theme. This will be the foundation for your presentation. Make sure your theme will be of interest to your audience. Try to identify a challenge that your audience will be facing currently to form your theme. Establish a reason why they need to be listening to you for the next 1 hour (or so). If you lose your audience here, whatever else you do later in the presentation will be of little or no use.
2) Build a story line around your theme. Start with a challenge / problem that would be relevant to the audience and go about solving them with a coherent and logical flow. 
3) Do not have your entire script on your presentation. Keep it crisp. We have an habit of pouring our mind in PPT as if it is some legal document. NO. A PPT file is just that - a PPT file supposed to help you and your audience to stay in course with the story. Not to be used as reading material.
4) Remove bullets as much as possible. Bullets are for documents - not for presentations. Have more meaningful images instead. Try not to have more 3-4 points in a single slide. This will help maintain their attention throughout. Cluttered information will easily put people to sleep.
5) Use animations effectively. Got to watch out for those unwanted and out of order boxes appearing out of no where.
6) Rehearse the script. Especially if you are co-presenting, co-ordinate transition points with your co-presenter.
7) Know the geography of where you are presenting. Do sufficient research on which room you are going to be presenting. Make sure it has all the infrastructure necessary. The last thing you want is a room with no projector and you have exotic animations all through your presentation.Have your backup or Plan B available if in case you do not have the expected infrastucture.
8) Time your presentation. Prepare cue cards in advance to notify you of available time. Be prepared to adapt your presentation when you don't have sufficient time.
9) Have Fun!! A presentation will be more effective if you can be casual and collected.


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